Street food of Kyiv. Top “cult” places

In our selection we will open to you a completely new universe of hearty, safe to eat and incredibly tasty street food!

After all, street food has long ceased to be “street”, and the level of its preparation and taste exceed all expectations of gourmets.

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We have a rest in Odessa. TOP – 6 beaches of the city.

This year, the options for summer vacation by the sea, probably, will have to be considered only on the shores of Ukraine. Outdoor tourism is unlikely to be available due to the pandemic.

Odessa is the most popular resort in Ukraine. Pearl by the sea gathers vacationers from different parts of Ukraine. But maybe we can surprise you with a selection of beaches that you did not know before.

Continue reading We have a rest in Odessa. TOP – 6 beaches of the city.

Rooftops and summer terraces of Ukraine: where to look for a beautiful view

Quarantine was weakened and Ukrainian institutions began to open their cozy summer playgrounds and green terraces. And what could be better than sitting on a beautiful warm day on the summer terrace, even with a beautiful view?

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Hotel or apartment for rent: which is more profitable?

Before traveling to another city, the question arises: what is better to rent a hotel or apartment? To make it easier to determine, we suggest you compare both options of these options.

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5 places for the first acquaintance with Kyiv

Kyiv enchants at any time of the year. It doesn’t matter if crowds walk the streets or impose regular quarantine restrictions – the city is able to maintain the atmosphere in a variety of circumstances.

We have prepared a list of real “places of strength” to make your acquaintance unforgettable.

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Drunken Journey. Only the best bars in the city of Lev

A year ago, quarantine changed everything. One after another, catering establishments, clubs, bars and restaurants were closed; almost all interesting events and parties gradually disappeared from the cities. Well, it’s time to make up for lost time!

How much fun did you miss? Let’s see where you can have fun with a big, loud company!

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Street food in Kyiv. Where to eat on the go?

The modern pace dictates its rules, leaving no time even for a full meal. Work, self-development, hobbies … However, this does not mean that you will not be able to eat well.

The development of street food has made the round-the-clock movement “on business” comfortable and healthy. Let’s see what we have prepared delicious!

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Nature is calling! Parks for spring walks

Помітив, наче щось змінилось? На вулиці справжня весна! Співають пташки, сонце виглядає з-поміж хмар та пригріває, а дерева от-от почнуть випускати перші бруньки.

Це ідеальний період для відвідування ландшафтних парків та заповідників, яких так багато в Україні. Про кращі з них —  у цьому листі!

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Time travel: Odessa

What was Odessa like before? And before that? And before that? Streets, squares, squares, beaches, houses … If you are interested not only to hear about Odessa “past years”, but also to see how it really was – join! We have prepared for you a unique journey through time.

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